Inside of the Trinity College Chapel
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Trinity College Chapel

The Trinity College Chapel is the gift of the late Gerald Larkin (1885-1961), who headed the Salada Tea Company from 1922 to 1957. He contracted the renowned English architect, Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, who designed the great Gothic cathedral of Liverpool and, famously, the red Post Office telephone kiosks seen throughout England. Learn more about the history of the Trinity College Chapel.

Trinity College held a celebration of the Holy Eucharist on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the consecration of the Trinity College Chapel on November 18, 2015. The inspiring celebration provided an opportunity for reflection and prayer, and for the community to reconnect with each other. At the service, The Rev’d Canon Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan gave a beautiful Homily. To view photos from the service, please visit our Facebook page.


The current Humphrys Chaplain to Trinity College and the Saint George campus of the University of Toronto is the Rev’d Andrea Budgey. The Rev’d Budgey looks forward to hearing from members of the college and university community about their hopes and wishes for the chapel and the chaplaincy. She can be reached at 416-978-3288 or

The chaplaincy is a pastoral resource available to the entire College community regardless of religious background. The chaplain supervises Chapel services (in collaboration with the Director of Music and the Faculty of Divinity), offers programs and informal gatherings as a forum for those seeking to discuss spiritual questions, and provides pastoral counselling.

Humphrys Chaplaincy

Constance Larkin Knight Humphrys (1895-1975) was widowed at a young age, and worked in London, Ontario, as a milliner to support her children. Despite privation, she lived her Christian life with a sparkling and irresistible joy. She believed in doing everything possible to ensure that young people be given opportunities to better themselves, and because of her faith in God won the reputation of being an eternal optimist. She was not “preachy,” simply living out her trust in God through conventional, healthy, and cheerful action.

In 1995, the Rev. Margaret (Humphrys) Fleck and Prof. James Fleck established a fund of $1 million to endow the salary of the Trinity College chaplain. The position of chaplain was renamed “Humphrys Chaplain” in memory of Margaret’s mother, Constance Humphrys, and the additional responsibility of Anglican chaplain to the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto was added to the Trinity College chaplain’s job description.

The first Humphrys Chaplain was the Rev’d Dr. Robert Merrill Black, followed by the Rev’d John Beach, Humphrys Chaplain from July 2001-January 2006. The Rev’d Dr. Dana Fisher, third Humphrys Chaplain, served from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2008. The current Humphrys Chaplain is the Rev’d Andrea Budgey.

The Friends of the Trinity College Chapel

The Friends of the Chapel is an organization consisting of approximately 450 supporters, under the direction of an Executive Committee headed by Dr. Ivan McFarlane, President, working closely with the Humphrys Chaplain.

Friends support various aspects of the Chapel’s ministry: some Friends focus support on the Anglican chaplaincy at the University of Toronto; others sustain the choral, organ, liturgical, or ordination programs associated with the Trinity College Chapel. Many foster that symbolic place where lively, friendly and intelligent discussion about the Christian faith is housed.