Trinity College was established by a Special Act of the Province of Canada on August 2, 1851. The act defined the Corporation of Trinity College as consisting of the Lord Bishop of Toronto and the Bishops of any dioceses into which the Diocese of Toronto might in future be divided, the members of a College Council appointed as might be directed by the Statutes of the College, and a number of Trustees appointed in like manner.
A Royal Charter, dated July 16, 1852, granted to Trinity College all the privileges of a university with the right to confer degrees, and provided for the appointment of a Chancellor.
Under agreement, dated August 25, 1903, and in accordance with the University Act of 1901, the University of Trinity College entered into federation with the University of Toronto. While agreeing to suspend during such federation its right to confer degrees in other faculties, it retained the right to confer degrees in the Faculty of Theology and to elect a Chancellor.
Instruction in the College is at present organized under two Faculties of Arts and Divinity.
Since federation, the college curriculum in Arts is submitted for approval to the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Toronto; and students in Arts at Trinity College proceed to the degrees of the University.
St. Hilda’s College was incorporated under its own Act, dated February 11, 1890, to provide higher education for women within the University of Trinity College. The Corporation of St. Hilda’s College was continued by Letters Patent of the Province of Ontario dated June 25, 1956; certain of its members are designated Trustees of St. Hilda’s College. Since 1894 the academic programs of St. Hilda’s and Trinity Colleges have been fully integrated. St. Hilda’s College provides residence and common rooms for women students, and academic facilities which are used by both Faculties of Trinity College.
Trinity College is one of the member colleges of the Toronto School of Theology. In 1979 an agreement was concluded with the University of Toronto whereby certain degrees in Theology are jointly conferred by the College and the University.
Convocation has been entrusted with the work of strengthening and maintaining the College and of promoting its interests. The membership of Convocation includes all graduates and former students together with other friends of the College who by reason of their contribution to Trinity College have been recognized as Associates of Convocation.
On May 4, 1995 a special meeting of the Corporation gave unanimous approval to a motion to amend the Statutes and Regulations of Trinity College as revised and consolidated April 22, 1982 so as, among other reasons, to establish a Senate and Board of Trustees to replace the College Council and Executive Committee of Corporation that existed under the 1982 statutes.
The statutes and regulations (or by-laws) of the College must be approved by Corporation, and those contained in this publication are as of April 13, 2000 when amendments were passed to the statutes and regulations as substantially revised July 1, 1996.
May 4, 1995
Trinity College, a university in federation with the University of Toronto, exists to foster the highest possible intellectual achievement while developing leadership talent and a sense of social responsibility in its students, within the context of a vital, supportive, and culturally diverse community that respects the value of the College’s Anglican heritage;
And Whereas
It is considered desirable that the governance of Trinity College be carried out so that decisions affecting any members of the College community are made with the involvement of representatives of those members or with the knowledge of those members;
And Whereas
It is further considered desirable that meetings of the Corporation, the Board and the Senate be open to those members of the College community affected and that information on the decisions thereof be available to such members except, in each case, where a body is of the opinion that matters requiring confidentiality are being dealt with or the College or any members of the College community might reasonably be expected to be adversely affected by such disclosure;
And Whereas
It is further considered desirable that persons outside the College community who have an interest in and the ability to promote the welfare of the College be added as members of the College community from time to time;
And Whereas
The Statutes of Trinity College are being amended and restated as of July 1, 1996 with the above principles in mind and amongst other things to provide for a bicameral system of governance;
And Whereas
The Statutes as amended and restated and the Regulations hereto annexed have been considered by the Executive Committee at two meetings thereof and have been adopted thereby for submission to the Corporation;
Now therefore be it resolved as follows:
With effect from July 1, 1996
With amendments to August 2022
In these Statutes:
1.1 “academic staff” means the members of the teaching staff and professional librarians of Trinity College appointed on a College contract and members of the teaching staff of the University of Toronto or of bodies federated or affiliated therewith cross appointed to Trinity College under agreement with the University of Toronto.
1.2 “Act” means the Act of the Province of Canada dated August 2, 1851, 14th and 15th Victoria Chapter 32 as amended by an Act of the Province of Ontario 1928 Statutes of Ontario Chapter 104, a copy of which Act as amended is appended to these Statutes as Appendix 1.
1.3 “Board” means the Board of Trustees of Trinity College as referred to in these Statutes and being the Trustees referred to in the Act and the Charter.
1.4 “Charter” means the Royal Charter of Trinity College granted by Her Majesty Queen Victoria on July 16, 1852 in the sixteenth year of her Reign, a copy of which is appended to these Statutes as Appendix 2.
1.5 “Convocation” means the Convocation of Trinity College as referred to in these Statutes.
1.6 “Corporation” and “the Corporation” mean the Corporation of Trinity College as referred to in these Statutes and being the College Council referred to in the Act and the Charter.
1.7 “Council” means the Council of the Faculty of Divinity as referred to in these Statutes and is a committee of the Senate.
1.8 “Divinity Associates” means those persons recognized as such by Convocation.
1.9 “Fellow” means a Fellow of Trinity College as identified in Section 10.3 of these Statutes.
1.10 “Regulation” means a regulation dealing with matters concerning the governance and affairs of Trinity College promulgated in accordance with these Statutes.
1.11 “Senate” means the Senate of Trinity College as referred to in these Statutes.
1.12 “staff” means employees of Trinity College who are not academic staff.
1.13 “St. Hilda’s College” and “St. Hilda’s” mean the corporation continued by letters patent issued by the Province of Ontario dated June 25, 1956, a copy of which is appended to these Statutes as Appendix 3, which corporation was first incorporated on February 11, 1890 pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887 Chapter 172 and where the context requires also mean the property commonly identified as St. Hilda’s College.
1.14 “Statutes” means the constitution of Trinity College dealing with the governance and affairs thereof as herein set out and as duly amended from time to time.
1.15 “students” means the students of Trinity College, the women students of which are also students of St. Hilda’s College.
1.16 “Trinity College” and “College” unless the context otherwise requires mean the body corporate constituted and established by the Act with the status, powers and privileges of a university pursuant to the Charter, the property of which includes the property commonly identified as St. Hilda’s College.
2.1 Members
The Corporation shall consist of the following persons:
2.2 Ex officio Members
2.2.1 The Bishop of each Diocese, now or hereafter constituted, forming a part of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario.
2.2.2 The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, the Fellows and all retired Fellows who held the rank of Fellow on retirement.
2.2.3 The students elected as Head of College (Trinity) and Head of College (St. Hilda’s), Heads of the Non Resident Affairs Committee (male and female), Head of Arts (Trinity), Head of Arts (St. Hilda’s) and Head of Divinity.
2.2.4 The Vice Provost, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Convocation, the Executive Secretary of Convocation, the President of the St. Hilda’s College Alumnae Association, the President of the St. Hilda’s College Board of Trustees, the Secretary, the Dean of Arts, the Dean of Divinity, the Dean of Students, the Bursar, the Registrar, the Archivist, the Chaplain, the College Librarian, the President of the Divinity Associates and the Headmaster of Trinity College School.
2.3 Appointed or Elected Members
2.3.1 Not more than two hundred elected members of whom not more than one hundred may be elected by Corporation and not more than one hundred by Convocation who shall be General Members of Convocation.
2.3.2 Not more than ten students registered in the Faculty of Divinity selected pursuant to the Regulations.
2.3.3 Not more than thirty two students not registered in the Faculty of Divinity selected pursuant to the Regulations.
2.3.4 Four members appointed by the Bishop of each Diocese referred to in Section 2.2.1 except that where the Synod of any such Diocese is authorized by Canon to elect two lay and two clerical members to Corporation, six members shall be appointed or elected and the Bishop thereof shall be entitled to appoint two and not four members.
2.3.5 Four members of staff elected by the staff.
2.4 Honorary Members
Honorary Members are members so designated by Corporation by reason of having completed twelve or more consecutive years as members of Corporation and having rendered distinguished service to Trinity College. Honorary members shall be non-voting members and shall receive all mailings, have all other privileges of members, and shall be excused from attendance without a motion to that effect being required.
2.5 Term of Office of Elected Members
The term of office of members elected pursuant to Section 2.3.1 shall be four consecutive years from the date of election or such lesser period as Corporation may prescribe. They shall in either case hold office until their successors are elected.
3.1 An annual meeting of Corporation, called by the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor, shall be held not more than fifteen months after the holding of the last preceding annual meeting.
3.2 Special meetings may be called by the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor whenever it shall be deemed necessary and in any event upon the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by at least one tenth of the members of Corporation.
3.3 The time and place of meetings and the order of business thereat shall be such as the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor shall prescribe.
3.4 The Corporation shall meet not less than twice annually.
3.5 At least fourteen days’ notice of a meeting shall be given to each member by the Secretary of the Corporation and in the case of a special meeting the notice shall specify the purpose for which such meeting is called.
3.6 At any meeting seventy five members present in person shall constitute a quorum.
3.7 The Chancellor shall preside as Chair but, in the absence of the Chancellor, the Bishop who of those present is senior by consecration, or the Vice Chancellor, in the order named, shall be Chair, and if none of the persons named be present, the Corporation may elect a Chair for the whole or for part of such meeting as the case may be.
4.1 The Chancellor
4.1.1 Only a member of the Anglican Church of Canada shall be eligible for the office of Chancellor.
4.1.2 The Chancellor shall hold office for a term of four years and may be reappointed. The Chancellor shall continue in office until a successor is appointed.
4.1.3 The Chancellor shall be appointed or reappointed in the following manner: A nominating committee of seven shall be appointed by the Corporation from its members. The Chair of Convocation shall be a member thereof. Such committee shall consider persons it deems suitable for the office and report to the next meeting of Corporation the person recommended, having ascertained the willingness of that person to accept appointment. If the Corporation is satisfied with the person recommended it shall make the appointment; otherwise it shall require the nominating committee to recommend another person and so on until an appointment is made.
4.2 The Vice Chancellor
4.2.1 The Provost of Trinity College shall be the Vice Chancellor.
4.2.2 In the absence of the Chancellor or during the vacancy of the office, the Vice Chancellor may appoint a Pro Chancellor to perform the duties of the Chancellor. If a Pro Chancellor is not appointed, the duties of the Chancellor shall be performed by the Vice Chancellor subject to Section 3.7.
4.3 The Secretary
A Secretary of Trinity College shall be appointed by the Corporation, on the recommendation of the Provost, to serve for such term as the Board may determine, and otherwise until a successor is appointed. The Secretary shall give notice of and attend all meetings of the Corporation and shall have charge of the seal of the Corporation and subject to the powers and duties of the Archivist the corporate records of the College and the minute books of the Corporation. The Secretary shall record the minutes and any amendments to the Statutes therein. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as are incident to the office or as the Board may from time to time prescribe. The Secretary may also be the secretary of the Board and of the Senate. If the office of Secretary shall become vacant the Board, on the recommendation of the Provost, may appoint a person to fill such vacancy until the next meeting of the Corporation.
4.4 The Public Orator and Esquire Bedells
4.4.1 A Public Orator shall be appointed annually by the Corporation. The duties of the Public Orator shall be such as the Board may from time to time prescribe.
4.4.2 Two Esquire Bedells shall be appointed annually by the Corporation from among the members of Convocation. They shall attend upon the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor, shall marshall the procession at Convocation and on other public occasions, and shall have such other duties as the Board may from time to time prescribe.
4.4.3 If the office of Public Orator or Esquire Bedell shall be or become vacant prior to the next meeting of Corporation the Board may appoint a person to fill such vacancy.
4.4.4 The Public Orator and Esquire Bedells shall be responsible to the Vice Chancellor except as may be provided by the Board.
4.5 The Provost
4.5.1 The Provost shall be the chief executive officer of Trinity College.
4.5.2 The Provost shall be chosen in the following manner: Upon notice of the resignation of the Provost, or upon the vacancy of the office, or at a time at least twelve months prior to the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent Provost, a nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board. The nominating committee shall consist of members of Corporation and shall include at least two Fellows nominated by the Fellows, at least two members of Convocation nominated by the Executive Committee of Convocation, at least two students nominated by the students and one member of the staff nominated by the staff. The nominating committee shall consider persons it deems suitable for the office and report to the Board the person recommended, having ascertained the willingness of that person to accept appointment. If the Board is satisfied with the candidate so recommended it shall propose that candidate to the Corporation for appointment. If the Corporation is satisfied with the person recommended it shall make the appointment. Otherwise it shall require the Board through the nominating committee to recommend another person and so on until the appointment is made. The Board shall determine the terms and conditions of the appointment of the candidate approved by the Corporation. The Provost shall be appointed for a five year term. Subject to the approval of the Corporation as recommended by the Board the appointment may be renewed for a specified term provided that the total length of service does not exceed ten years.
4.5.3 The duties of the Provost shall be: To administer the affairs of Trinity College and have general supervision over and direction of the officers and staff and academic staff, the admission of students, the award of academic awards and the execution of decisions of the Board and of the Senate, except as otherwise provided in these Statutes; To see that the Statutes and Regulations are faithfully observed; To promote the College and its interests and reputation and the academic and financial well being thereof; To present academic and non academic initiatives to the appropriate committees and bodies within Trinity College; To maintain communication between the Board and the Senate.
4.5.4 The Board may suspend or dismiss the Provost if in the opinion of the Board the Provost is unable or unwilling to perform properly the duties of office.
4.6 The Vice Provost
A Vice Provost, who shall be a member of the academic staff, shall be appointed by the Board to perform such duties as the Board may prescribe including the performance of the duties of the Provost in the absence or incapacity thereof or when the office of Provost is vacant. The period of such appointment shall be as determined by the Board. Any such appointment shall be subject to approval by the Corporation at its next meeting after the appointment has been made.
4.7 The Bursar
A Bursar shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Provost. The Bursar shall be the treasurer of the College and shall keep full and accurate books of account in which shall be recorded all receipts and disbursements of the College and under the direction of the Board shall control the deposit of money, the safekeeping of securities and the disbursements of the funds of the College and shall render to the Board as required thereby an account of all transactions as Bursar and of the financial position of the College and shall perform such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
4.8 The Registrar
A Registrar shall be appointed by the Board, on the recommendation of the Provost, to assist the Provost in all matters involving the admission of students and shall keep records of all students registered in the College and of all degrees conferred thereby. The Registrar shall advise on the academic programmes of the College, the University of Toronto and the Toronto School of Theology insofar as these are related to the College, and shall have such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
4.9 The Archivist
An Archivist shall be appointed by the Board, on the recommendation of the Provost, on such terms and for such period as the Board may determine, to advise on the management and disposition of College records and to acquire, preserve, and make available for use those College and other records of archival importance to the College and to perform such other duties in regard to the above as the Board may prescribe.
4.10 The College Librarian
A College Librarian shall be appointed by the Board, on the recommendation of the Provost, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine, to be responsible for the administration of the libraries of Trinity College and St. Hilda’s College.
4.11 The Humphrys Chaplain
The Humphrys Chaplain shall be appointed by the Board, on the recommendation of the Provost, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine. The Chaplain shall be responsible to the Provost for the affairs of the College Chapel, subject to the Ordinary of the Chapel, and taking into consideration the advice of the Chapel Board, of which the Chaplain shall be Chair.
4.12 Director of Development and Alumni Affairs
On the recommendation of the Provost, the Board shall appoint one or more persons to be responsible for development and for Convocation and the office thereof, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine. The Provost shall consult with the Executive Committee of Convocation as to the person proposed to be responsible for Convocation and the office thereof and such person, to be known for these purposes as the Executive Secretary of Convocation, shall administer the same with the advice of the Executive Committee of Convocation.
4.13 Academic Deans
4.13.1 The Dean of Divinity and the Dean of Arts shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Provost. Before making such recommendation the Provost shall consult, in so far as practicable, the Fellows in the professorial ranks in the appropriate Faculty.
4.13.2 It shall be the duty of the Dean of Divinity to promote the interests of the Faculty of Divinity and to supervise the work done in it, to advise the Provost on appointments and cross appointments thereto, and to be responsible for implementing the programme of study as approved by the Council, the Senate and the Toronto School of Theology.
4.13.3 It shall be the duty of the Dean of Arts to promote the interests of the Faculty of Arts, to supervise the work done in it, and to advise the Provost on appointments and cross appointments thereto.
4.13.4 Each Academic Dean shall be appointed for a term of five years or for such other term as the Board may determine. Such term shall be renewable subject to the recommendation of the Provost.
4.14 Dean of Students
4.14.1 The Dean of Students shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Provost.
4.14.2 The Dean shall be resident within the College.
4.14.3 The Dean shall be responsible to the Provost for the good order of students within the College, both men and women and both resident and non-resident and for matters affecting their well-being, except matters that are the responsibility of the academic officers.
4.14.4 The Dean shall be responsible for the inspection, care and good order of the College student residences, for admissions thereto and for the allocation of rooms.
4.14.5 Academic staff resident in the College shall assist and support the Dean in the performance of his or her duties.
5.1 Membership
The Board shall consist of the following twenty eight persons:
5.1.1 Eight members of the Corporation who are not at the time of their election staff, academic staff or students, elected by the Corporation;
5.1.2 Six General Members of Convocation who are not at the time of their election staff, academic staff or students, elected by Convocation;
5.1.3 One person elected by the St. Hilda’s College Board of Trustees who is not at the time of election staff, academic staff or a student;
5.1.4 Four Fellows, one of whom shall be a member of the Faculty of Divinity, elected by the Fellows;
5.1.5 Two members of the staff, elected by the staff;
5.1.6 One student registered in the Faculty of Divinity, elected pursuant to the Regulations;
5.1.7 Three students not registered in the Faculty of Divinity, elected pursuant to the Regulations, at least one of whom shall be a resident student and at least one of whom a non resident student;
5.1.8 The Chancellor;
5.1.9 The Provost;
5.1.10 The Chair of the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association;
5.2 The members elected under Sections 5.1.1 to 5.1.5 inclusive shall serve for a term of up to three years commencing July 1 and ending June 30 or until their successors have been appointed, and shall be eligible for re-election, but may not serve for more than nine consecutive years (subject to Section 5.9 and with respect to the Chair, subject to Section 5.3) without a period of at least one year out of office. The Board shall endeavour to have the terms of about one-third of such elected members terminate each year. (Amended, October 2013 and August 2022)
5.3 At the last meeting of the academic year, the Board shall choose a Chair and a Vice-Chair from its members elected pursuant to Sections 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3. The Vice-Chair shall have the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. The term of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be one year and until the successor thereto is appointed and each is eligible for re-election for not more than one further term of one year unless the Board decides otherwise. Notwithstanding Section 5.2, the Chair shall be eligible for election or re-election for a term of up to three years provided that in no case shall any person serve for more than nine consecutive years on the Board without the approval of Corporation under s.5.13. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the members shall appoint a Chair for that meeting only.
5.4 The Board shall meet not less than four times annually.
5.5 Twelve members present shall constitute a quorum.
5.6 The Board shall meet at the call of the Chair, or at the written request of a quorum on not less than five days’ notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
5.7 Members shall serve as such without remuneration provided this provision does not apply to remuneration received by a member from the College in another capacity.
5.8 A member who has missed three consecutive meetings of the Board without sufficient cause may be removed from office by a resolution of the Board passed by not less than two thirds of the members present at the meeting provided that notice has been given of such proposed resolution with the notice of the meeting and the member has been given the right to be heard at such meeting before the vote is taken.
5.9 A vacancy occurring among the elected members during the term shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the body that elected such member. No such period shall be counted as part of the six consecutive years referred to in Section 5.2.
5.10 Duties and Powers of the Board of Trustees
The management and control of the property, business and affairs of Trinity College, except with respect to such matters as are assigned by these Statutes to the Senate, is vested in the Board which has all the powers necessary or convenient to perform its duties including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power:
5.10.1 To borrow money upon the credit of the College, upon such terms and for such amounts as may be deemed necessary, and to mortgage or pledge any of the real and personal property of the College, to secure any money so borrowed and to sell or lease any of the real or personal property of the College;
5.10.2 To make investments on behalf of the College, to buy and sell securities, and to purchase, sell or lease real or personal property on its behalf;
5.10.3 To consider and make academic appointments and cross- appointments to Trinity College on the recommendation of the Provost, provided the Board shall not approve the appointment of an Associate or a Fellow who is not a Fellow by virtue of appointment as a full time member of the academic staff of Trinity College on a College contract unless recommended by the Senate, and shall withhold approval of such a recommendation only for financial reasons;
5.10.4 To determine, from time to time, the maximum number of Fellows and Associates;
5.10.5 To determine employment policy including policy on the remuneration, benefits, sabbatical leave, leave of absence and retirement allowances of staff and academic staff;
5.10.6 To appoint, on the recommendation of the Provost, such College officers as it shall deem appropriate, to perform such duties as it may prescribe or as set out in these Statutes;
5.10.7 To approve, upon the recommendation of the Senate, policy and procedures for the discipline of students and for the operation of the residences of the College;
5.10.8 To establish a college policy on conflict of interest and monitor the same;
5.10.9 To appoint committees and working groups jointly with the Senate or other bodies of Trinity College or other institutions, in order to develop proposals for matters of shared interest;
5.10.10 To appoint committees and delegate powers thereto as it may deem advisable, the members of which need not be members of the Board;
5.10.11 To obtain such information as in its judgment is required in order to fulfill its responsibilities;
5.10.12 To deal with any matter that may be referred to it by the Corporation.
5.11.1 The Board shall monitor the property of the College and the current and long term prospects of the College and report thereon to the Corporation at its annual meeting and as to the matters which the Board has dealt with or which require attention.
5.12 Members of the Board shall act with care and diligence, honestly and with good faith and in the best interests of the College.
5.13 In extraordinary circumstances and subject to ratification by Corporation, the Board may approve terms that exceed the term limits stated above in s. 5.2 and 5.3 in order to ensure that the College has the governance expertise necessary to conduct its affairs. (Amended, August 2022)
6.1 Membership
The Senate shall consist of the following persons:
6.1.1 Eighteen Fellows elected by the Fellows, at least two of whom shall be in the Faculty of Divinity;
6.1.2 Two members of the Corporation who are not at the time of election members of the staff, academic staff or students, elected by the Corporation;
6.1.3 Two members of the staff elected by the staff;
6.1.4 Two General Members of Convocation who are not at the time of their election members of the staff, academic staff or undergraduate students, elected by Convocation;
6.1.5 One member of the Divinity Associates who is not at the time of election a member of the staff, academic staff or a student, elected by the Divinity Associates;
6.1.6 One member of the St. Hilda’s College Board of Trustees elected thereby;
6.1.7 Two students registered in the Faculty of Divinity, elected pursuant to the Regulations;
6.1.8 Six students not registered in the Faculty of Divinity elected pursuant to the Regulations, at least one of whom shall be a resident student and at least one of whom a non-resident student;
6.1.9 The Provost, the College Librarian, the Executive Secretary of Convocation, the Registrar, the Chaplain, the Dean of Arts, the Dean of Divinity, the Bursar, the Dean of Students and one Don to be selected by agreement at the first meeting of each academic year of the Deans and the Dons.
6.2 The members of the Senate elected under Sections 6.1.1 to 6.1.6 inclusive shall serve for a term of up to three years from July 1 until June 30 or until their successors have been appointed and shall be eligible for re-election, but may not serve for more than nine consecutive years (subject to Section 6.11 and with respect to the Chair, subject to Section 6.6) without a period of at least one year out of office. The Senate shall endeavour to have the terms of about one-third of such elected members terminate each year. (Amended, August 2022)
6.3 Duties and Powers of the Senate of Trinity College
The Senate has, subject to the approval of the Board with respect to the allocation of funds, the authority and duty to establish the academic policy of the College and without limiting the generality of the foregoing has the power:
6.3.1 To determine policy in regard to the requirements for the degrees of Trinity College;
6.3.2 To make Regulations in regard to diplomas, licentiates and honorary degrees and Honorary Fellows;
6.3.3 To establish, alter and eliminate academic programs within the faculties of Trinity College;
6.3.4 To recommend, up to the maximum number of Associates and Fellows as determined by the Board, the appointment of Associates, and of Fellows who are not Fellows by virtue of appointment as full time members of the academic staff of Trinity College on a College contract, and the termination of the Associate status of such Associates and the Fellowship of such Fellows;
6.3.5 To appoint Junior Fellows;
6.3.6 To determine the policy governing the establishment and award of junior fellowships, scholarships, prizes, exhibitions, bursaries and student loans;
6.3.7 To offer advice to the Board on the annual budgets of Trinity College as it may deem appropriate;
6.3.8 To determine policy and standards for admission of students;
6.3.9 To appoint committees and working groups jointly with the Board or other bodies of Trinity College or other institutions, in order to develop proposals for matters of shared interest;
6.3.10 To appoint committees and delegate such powers thereto as it may deem advisable, the members of which need not be members of the Senate;
6.3.11 To recommend to the Board policy and procedures for the discipline of students and for the operation of the residences of the College;
6.3.12 To obtain such information as in its judgment is required in order to fulfil its responsibilities;
6.3.13 To deal with any matter that may be referred to it by Corporation.
6.4 The Senate shall monitor the academic affairs of Trinity College and report thereon to the Corporation at its annual meeting and as to the matters which the Senate has dealt with or which require attention.
6.5 Members of the Senate shall act with care and diligence, honestly and in good faith, and in the best interests of the College.
6.6 At its first meeting after July 1 each year the Senate shall choose a Chair and a Vice-Chair from its members elected pursuant to Sections 6.1.1 to 6.1.6 inclusive. The term of the Chair and of the Vice-Chair shall be one year and until the successor thereto is appointed. The Vice-Chair shall have the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the
members shall appoint a Chair for that meeting only. Notwithstanding Section 6.2, the Chair shall be eligible for election or re-election for a term of up to three years provided that in no case shall any person serve for more than nine consecutive years on the Senate. (Amended, August 2022)
6.7 The Senate shall meet not less than twice in each term.
6.8 Fifteen members present shall constitute a quorum.
6.9 The Senate shall meet at the call of the Chair or at the written request of a quorum, on not less than five days’ notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
6.10 A member who has missed three consecutive meetings of the Senate without sufficient cause may be removed from office by a resolution of the Senate passed by not less than two thirds of the members present at the meeting provided that notice has been given of such proposed resolution with the notice of the meeting and the member has been given the right to be heard at such meeting before the vote is taken.
6.11 A vacancy occurring among the elected members during the term shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the body that elected such member. No such period shall be counted as part of the six consecutive years referred to in Section 6.2.
6.12 In extraordinary circumstances and subject to ratification by Corporation, the Senate may approve terms that exceed the term limits stated above in s. 6.2 and 6.6 in order to ensure that the College has the governance expertise necessary to conduct its affairs. (Amended, August 2022)
7.1 The Corporation requires that the Board and the Senate, without abrogating their respective duties and powers as set out in these Statutes, endeavour to cooperate one with the other and in particular try to achieve consensus on policy matters pertaining to the community life of the College. To this end all members of the Board and the Senate shall receive notices of the meetings and agendas of both bodies.
7.2 In furtherance of the above there shall be a committee of the Corporation called the Coordinating Committee consisting of the Chair of the Board, the Chair of the Senate, and the Provost, of which the Provost shall be the Chair. The purpose and function of the Coordinating Committee shall be to facilitate communication and cooperation between the Board and the Senate.
8.1 Membership
The Council shall consist of the following persons:
8.1.1 The Dean of Divinity;
8.1.2 All full time members and part time members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Divinity in the professorial ranks, and lecturers;
8.1.3 One teaching assistant, elected by the teaching assistants in the Faculty of Divinity;
8.1.4 A Fellow who is not a member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Divinity, appointed by the Senate;
8.1.5 The College Librarian;
8.1.6 The Registrar;
8.1.7 The student Head of Divinity;
8.1.8 Three students registered in the Faculty of Divinity, elected pursuant to the Regulations, at least two of such students being registered in a basic degree program;
8.1.9 Two persons elected by the Divinity Associates;
8.1.10 One person appointed by the House of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario.
8.2 Meetings
The Council shall meet not less than twice each term. At its first meeting after July 1 each year the Council shall choose from its members a Chair and shall appoint a secretary, who may be someone other than a member of the Council.
8.3 Duties and Powers
The Council shall be responsible to the Senate for the academic affairs of the Faculty of Divinity and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall have the power and duty:
8.3.1 To determine general requirements of students for admission, curriculum, and degree requirements;
8.3.2 To receive reports from the Dean of Divinity and the Committee of the Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Divinity on the admissions of individual students and the award of scholarships, bursaries and prizes;
8.3.3 To provide regular reports to the Senate on the current business and concerns of the Faculty of Divinity.
The Committee on Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellows shall be a committee of the Senate and shall consist of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor and seven other persons appointed annually by the Senate. The Vice-Chancellor shall have the right to appoint up to two further persons.
10.1 Faculties
The instruction given in Trinity College shall be organized under the two Faculties of Arts and Divinity.
10.2 Associates
Associates shall be members of the teaching staff of the University of Toronto, or of bodies federated or affiliated with the University of Toronto and other persons who are associated with Trinity College academically as teachers or researchers, and who have been appointed as Associates.
10.3 Fellows
Fellows shall be, and shall be limited to, the following persons:
10.3.1 Full time members of the academic staff on a College contract;
10.3.2 Persons other than the persons described in Section 10.3.1 who are Fellows pursuant to the provisions of these Statutes in force prior to the enactment of these Sections 10.2 and 10.3.3*;
10.3.3 Persons who have been Associates for a period of two years subsequent to July 1, 1999 and who have been appointed as Fellows.
10.4 Upon retirement a Fellow shall become an Emeritus or Emerita Fellow of the College.
10.5 A Fellow who leaves the University or College by means other than retirement may apply or be nominated for the status of Affiliated Fellow.
The Convocation of Trinity College is the Convocation referred to in the Charter, and the association or persons consisting of the Charter Members and General Members set out in Sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2, continued by the Corporation pursuant to these Statutes.
11.1 Membership
11.1.1 Charter Members
Charter Members of Convocation shall be those provided for in the Charter, namely, the Chancellor, Provost, and professors of Trinity College (which professors are the Fellows in the professorial ranks) and all persons admitted in Trinity College to the degree of Master of Arts, or to any degree in Divinity, Law, or Medicine, and who from the time of their admission to such degree shall pay the annual sum of twenty shillings of sterling money for and toward the support and maintenance of the College.
11.1.2 General Members
General Members of Convocation shall be: The graduates of the University of Trinity College; The graduates of the University of Toronto who at graduation were students of Trinity College; Those persons who were at any time enrolled as students of Trinity College; Those persons who for one academic year or more were resident in Trinity College or St. Hilda’s College; Honorary Fellows of Trinity College and Fellows; The Divinity Associates; The Chancellor and the Provost; Friends of Trinity College who by reason of their contribution to Trinity College, financial or otherwise, have been recognized by Convocation.
11.2 Powers and Duties
11.2.1 Charter Members
The powers and duties of Convocation through the Charter Members are as follows: To grant and confer the diplomas, licentiates and degrees as provided in the Regulations; To admit Honorary Fellows as provided in the Regulations; To elect a Caput for examining supplicats for diplomas, licentiates and degrees as provided in the Regulations.
11.2.2 General Members
The powers and duties of Convocation through the General Members are as follows: To support Trinity College and promote its interests; To raise through contributions an annual fund and other funds as it may provide from time to time; To encourage, facilitate or arrange activities for its members; To elect not more than one hundred members to Corporation as provided in these Statutes; To elect members of the Board and the Senate as provided in these Statutes; To report to the Corporation at its meetings or otherwise as to any matters affecting the welfare of the College; To elect an Executive Committee and elect or form such other committees as may be necessary to carry out the foregoing; To make regulations with respect to the foregoing, which regulations have received the prior approval of the Board.
11.3 Quorum for Meetings of Convocation
At a meeting of the members of Convocation ten members present shall constitute a quorum.
Deeds, documents, transfers, assignments, contracts and obligations requiring the signature of the College may be signed by the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board and by the Secretary of the Board or the Bursar or the Provost or another member of the Board and the corporate seal shall be affixed to such instruments as require the same. The Board shall have the power from time to time by resolution to appoint any officer or officers of the College to sign instruments, to establish limits on signing authorities, and to specify matters which require prior Board approval. The Board may at any time by resolution direct the manner in which, and the person or persons by whom, any particular instrument, contract or obligation of the College may or shall be executed.
The banking business of the College shall be transacted in Canada with any major Canadian chartered bank or banks or trust company or companies as may be determined by resolution of the Board, and all such business shall be transacted by one or more officers and employees as the Board may designate.
The Board and the Senate may each prescribe Regulations which relate to their respective powers and duties under these Statutes which they may deem necessary or expedient and which are not inconsistent with these Statutes. A Regulation shall have force and effect only until the next meeting of the Corporation, notice of which Regulation having been given with the notice of the meeting, when it shall be confirmed and failing such confirmation or confirmation as amended by the Corporation it shall from that time cease to have force and effect.
The Statutes may be enacted, suspended, amended or repealed (hereinafter in this Section referred to as the “amendment”) by the Corporation at a meeting thereof in the following manner:
15.1 With the notice of the meeting there shall be included the amendment and a description thereof.
15.2 Members may vote by proxy and a proxy form shall be included with such notice appointing as proxy the Chancellor or in the absence thereof the Vice Chancellor or the Secretary, or a named member of Corporation as the member may decide.
15.3 The amendment is approved by not less than three fourths of the members voting in person or by proxy.
15.4 Notice of the amendment has been given at a prior meeting of Corporation or the amendment has been adopted by the Board and by the Senate at two prior meetings of each.
The auditors shall be a firm of chartered accountants appointed annually by the Corporation. The auditors shall make such examination as will enable them to report to the Corporation on the financial statements to be placed before the Corporation at any annual meeting during their term of office and shall state in their report whether the financial statements referred to therein present fairly the financial position of the College and the results of its operations for the period then under review. The auditors shall also perform such additional services and submit such further reports as may be required from time to time by the Board.
17.1 Quorum
Save as otherwise provided in these Statutes the quorum for any committee or body shall be a majority of the members thereof entitled to vote.
17.2 Voting
Save as otherwise provided in these Statutes questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast. The Chair is entitled to vote but in the event of a tie shall not have a second or casting vote.
17.3 Notice
Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to be properly given if in writing and if given by delivery in person or mailed by first class mail or transmitted by courier or any electronic means to the address of the intended recipient of such notice. Such address shall be the last address in the records of the College. Such notice shall be deemed to be given on the date of delivery to such address or, if mailed or couriered, on the second day after the date of mailing or pick up by the courier or on the date of electronic transmittal. Provided that if the date such notice is deemed to be given as aforesaid is not a business day, such date shall be deemed to be the next business day. For the purpose of this section “business day” means a day other than Saturday, Sunday or a statutory holiday.
17.4 Computation of Time
In computing the date when notice must be given hereunder the date of the meeting or other event in regard to which notice is given shall be excluded.
17.5 Omission or Errors in Notice and Waiver
The accidental omission to give notice to any person or the non-receipt of such notice by such person or an error in any notice not affecting the substance thereof shall not of itself invalidate any action taken at any meeting held pursuant to such notice or otherwise founded thereon. Any recipient or intended recipient of notice may waive the same whether before or after the meeting and such waiver shall cure any default in the giving of such notice.
These Statutes as amended and restated and the Regulations on student representation passed at the same time as these Statutes shall come into force on July 1, 1996 and the Statutes and Regulations currently in force and as the same may be amended up to such date (other than as amended by these Statutes and Regulations) shall continue in force up to such date and thereafter shall cease to be in force. The terms of office of the members and officers of the Executive Committee and the Trinity College Council shall cease on June 30, 1996. The aforesaid is subject to the following:
18.1 In the event that the elected and appointed members of the Board and the Senate have not been appointed or elected by June 30, 1996 the Executive Committee and the Trinity College Council shall continue until such members are elected or appointed.
18.2 All Regulations in force on June 30, 1996 shall continue in force until replaced by Regulations enacted thereafter subject as follows:
18.2.1 Wherever there is reference to the Executive Committee it shall be deemed to be reference to the Board and wherever there is reference to the Trinity College Council it shall be deemed to be reference to the Senate.
18.2.2 The Regulations for student representation shall be replaced by the Regulations passed with these Statutes.
18.3 The following provisions of the Statutes currently in force shall be deemed to continue as Regulations until amended or replaced by Regulations enacted thereafter:
18.3.1 Chapter III paragraph 1(4) to do with the declaration to be administered to the Chancellor and that part of Chapter III paragraph 2 (3) to do with the declaration to be administered to the Vice Chancellor and Pro Chancellor.
18.3.2 Chapter XI to do with the Committee of the Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Divinity which committee shall be a committee of the Council.
18.3.3 Chapter XIV to do with diploma, licentiate and degrees.
18.3.4 Chapter XV to do with Honorary Fellows.
18.4 The terms of the elected members of the Board and the Senate elected commencing July 1, 1996 shall be staggered in accordance with Sections 5.2 and 6.2 in such manner as the Board and the Senate shall determine.
18.5 When this Section 18 shall cease to be required the Board may so confirm by resolution and this Section 18 shall thereupon cease to form part of these Statutes without an amendment thereof pursuant to Section 15.
Statutes and Certain Regulations of Trinity College
September 2017
as Passed by the Legislature of the Province of Canada, 2nd August, 1851, and amended by the Legislature of the Province of Ontario in 1928
WHEREAS it has been represented to the Legislature of this Province that divers inhabitants of the said Province have used their efforts to establish a College in connexion with the United Church of England and Ireland, in the City of Toronto, under the style and title of Trinity College, and are engaged in erecting and establishing the same; And whereas, it would tend greatly to advance and extend the usefulness of the said College, and to promote the purpose for which it was established, that it should be incorporated: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to Re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
Corporation of Trinity College established: of whom to consist.
That there shall be, and there is hereby constituted and established at the City of Toronto a body politic and corporate, under the name of Trinity College, which corporation shall consist of – Firstly: The Lord Bishop of Toronto, or in case of the division of the said Diocese, then the Bishops of any Dioceses into which the Diocese of Toronto may hereafter be divided. Secondly, the Trustee of the said Trinity College; and, Thirdly, the College Council of the said Trinity College, not less than three in number; which said Trustees and the members of the said College Council shall be named in the first instance by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, and shall, in the event of their death, removal from the Province, dismissal from office, or resignation, be replaced by other persons, to be named in like manner, or in such other manner as may from time to time be directed by any statute of the said College to be passed for that purpose, and so on continually forever.
Corporate Powers, Statutes, Property, Appointment Attorneys, General Powers:
II. And be it enacted, That such Corporation shall have perpetual succession, and may have a Common Seal, with power to change, alter, break, and renew the same, when and as often as they shall think proper; and the said Corporation may, under the same name, contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, prosecute and be prosecuted, in all Courts and places whatsoever in this Province, and shall have full power to make and establish such and so many rules, orders and regulations (not being contrary to the laws of the Country or this Act) as they shall deem useful or necessary, as well concerning the system of education in as for the conduct and government of the said College, and of a preparatory School connected with or dependent on the same, and of the Corporation thereof, and for the superintendence, advantage and improvement of all the property moveable or immoveable, belonging to, or which shall hereafter belong to the said Corporation; and shall have power to take, under any legal title whatsoever, and to hold for the said College, without any further authority, license, or letters of mortmain, all land and property moveable and immoveable, which may hereafter be sold, ceded, exchanged, given, bequeathed, or granted to the said Corporation, or to sell, alienate, convey, let or lease the same if need be: And the said Corporation shall further have the right of appointing an Attorney or Attorneys for the management of its affairs and all other rights necessarily incident to a body corporate; and subject to the limitations imposed by any specific trust as to the same, the corporation may invest all such money as shall come to its hands, and is not required to be expended for any purpose to which it lawfully may be applied, in such manner as to the corporation may seem meet; and the said corporation shall also have power to borrow such sums upon mortgage of any of its property as it may from time to time deem necessary.
To what purposes property shall be applied:
III. And be it enacted, That all the property which shall at any time belong to the said Corporation, as well as the revenues thereof, shall at all times be exclusively applied and appropriated to the advancement of education in the said College, or a preparatory School connected with or dependent on the same, and to no other object, institution or establishment whatever.
Corporation to render Accounts, &c.:
IV. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said Corporation, at all times, when they may be called upon so to do by the Governor of this Province, to render an account in writing of their property, in which shall be set forth in particular the income by them derived from property held under this Act, and the source from which the same has been derived, also the number of Members of the said Corporation, the number of Teachers employed in the various branches of instruction, the number of Scholars under instruction, and the course of instruction pursued.
Public Act:
V. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be considered a Public Act, by all Judges, Justices of the Peace, and Officers of Justice, and by all other persons whomsoever, and shall be judicially taken notice of without being specially pleaded.
Rights of the Crown, &c. saved:
VI. And be it enacted, That this Act shall not extend to weaken, diminish or extinguish the rights and privileges of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, nor of any other person or persons, body politic or corporate, excepting only such rights as are hereby expressly altered or extinguished.
An Act to Incorporate Trinity College
September 2017
VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith,
WHEREAS by an Act passed by the Legislature of our Province of Canada, in the fifteenth year of our Reign, intituled “An Act to incorporate Trinity College” there was constituted and established in the City of Toronto, within the Diocese of Toronto, in our said Province of Canada, a Body Politic and Corporate, under the name of Trinity College, in connection with the United Church of England and Ireland; which Corporation is by the said Act made to consist of the Lord Bishop of Toronto, or in case of the division of the said Diocese, of the Bishops of the several Dioceses into which the Diocese of Toronto might be thereafter divided, and also of the Trustees of the said College, and of the Members of the Council of the said College, not to be less than three in number, which said Trustees and the Members of the said College Council, it was by the said Act provided, should be named in the first instance by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, and in the event of their death, removal from the Province, dismissal from office, or resignation, shall be replaced by other persons to be named in like manner, or in such other manner as may from time to time be directed by any Statute of the said College, to be passed for that purpose.
AND WHEREAS it is by the said Act further provided the said Corporation of Trinity College shall, besides other corporate powers and capacities necessary to the well ordering of their affairs, have full power to make and establish such rules, orders, and regulations (not being contrary to the Laws of Canada, or to the said Act) as they shall deem useful or necessary, as well concerning the system of education in, as for the conduct and government of, the said College, and of a preparatory school to be connected with, or dependent on the same; and for the management of the property belonging to the said Corporation, and shall have power to hold for the said College real and personal estate and property, and to sell, alienate, convey, or lease the same, if need be; provided that the total yearly income from the property so acquired shall not at any time exceed the sum of five thousand pounds of current money of our said Province; And provided also, that no rule, order, or regulation, which shall be made and established by the said Corporation in manner aforesaid, shall be of any force or effect until the same shall have been sanctioned and confirmed by the said Lord Bishop or Bishops as aforesaid.
AND WHEREAS, since the passing of the said Act, the Council of the said College have, with the sanction of the Lord Bishop of Toronto, by their Petition to us humbly set forth, that in pursuance of the provisions of the said Act, Trinity College hath been duly organized, by the appointment of Trustees and of a College Council, and that certain statutes, rules, and ordinances have been made by the said Council, with the approval of the Lord Bishop of Toronto, and further, that a suitable building has been erected, and a provost, and professors of Divinity, Classics, Mathematics, Law and Medicine, have been duly appointed, and are now engaged in the education of a considerable number of Scholars, duly admitted according to the statutes and ordinances of the said Corporation, and the said College being, according to the intention of the said Act of the Legislature of our Province of Canada, in strict connexion with the United Church of England and Ireland, and supported wholly from funds contributed by the Members of that Church, humble application hath been made to us by the said Corporation, and many of our loving subjects in the said Province of Canada, that we would be pleased to grant our Royal Charter for the more perfect establishment of the said College, by granting to it the privileges hereinafter mentioned.
NOW KNOW YE that we, having taken the premises into our Royal consideration, and being willing to promote the more perfect establishment within the Diocese of Toronto of a College in connexion with the United Church of England and Ireland, for the education of youth in the doctrines and duties of the Christian Religion as inculcated by that Church, and for their instruction in the various branches of Science and Literature which are taught in the Universities of this Kingdom, have of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, willed, ordained, and granted, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, will, ordain, and grant, that the said College shall be deemed and taken to be a University and shall have and enjoy all such and the like privileges as are enjoyed by our Universities of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, so far as the same are capable of being had or enjoyed by virtue of these our Letters Patent; and that the Students in the said College shall have liberty and faculty of taking the Degrees of Bachelor, Master, and Doctor in the several Arts and faculties, at the appointed times, and shall have liberty within themselves of performing all scholastic exercises, for the conferring such Degrees, in such manner as shall be directed by the Statutes, Rules, and Ordinances of the said College.
AND, in order that such degrees may be in due form granted in the said College, We do further will, and direct, and ordain that there shall be at all times a Chancellor of the said University to be chosen at and for such periods of time, and under such rules and regulations as the College Council, by and with the sanction and approbation of the Lord Bishop or Bishops, aforesaid, may, by their statutes, rules, or ordinances, to be from time to time passed for that purpose, think fit to appoint. And that the Chancellor and Provost and Professors, of the said College, and all persons admitted therein to the Degree of Master of Arts, or to any Degree in Divinity, Law, or Medicine, and who from the time of such their admission to such Degree shall pay the annual sum of Twenty shillings of Sterling money for and towards the support and maintenance of the said College, shall be, and be deemed, taken, and reputed to be members of the Convocation of the said University, and as such Members of the said Convocation, shall have, exercise, and enjoy all such powers and privileges in regard to the conferring Degrees, and in any other matters, as may be provided for by any rules, orders, or regulations of the said College Council, sanctioned and confirmed by the Lord Bishop or Bishops as aforesaid, so far as the same are capable of being had and enjoyed by virtue of these our Letters Patent, and consistently with the provisions thereof, and with the said Act of the Legislature of our Province of Canada.
AND WE WILL, and by these Presents for us, our heirs and successors, DO GRANT AND DECLARE, that these our Letters Patent, or the enrollment or exemplification thereof, shall and may be good, firm, valid, sufficient, and effectual in Law, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and shall be taken, construed, and adjudged in the most favorable and beneficial sense, and to the best advantage of our said College, as well in our Courts of Record as elsewhere, and by all and singular Judges, Justices, Officers, Ministers, and other subjects whatsoever of us, our heirs and successors, any misrecital, nonrecital, omission, imperfection, defect, matter, cause, or thing whatsoever to the contrary, notwithstanding.
IN WITNESS whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent.
WITNESS ourself, at our Palace at Westminster, this sixteenth day of July, in the sixteenth year of our Reign.
Royal Charter of Trinity College
(Appendix 2 to the Statutes of Trinity College)
September 2017
Historical Note: St. Hilda’s College was originally incorporated under the provisions of Chapter 172 of the Revised Statues of Ontario 1887, and subsequently in 1956 was continued by “Letters Patent Continuing St. Hilda’s College”, a copy of which follows.
WHEREAS The Corporation Act, 1953 provides that any corporation incorporated otherwise than by Letters Patent and being at the time of its application a subsisting corporation may apply for Letters Patent under the said Act, and the Lieutenant Governor may issue Letters Patent continuing it as if it had been incorporated under the said Act;
AND WHEREAS by the said Act it is further provided that the Provincial Secretary may in his discretion and under the Seal of his office, have, use, exercise and enjoy any power, right or authority conferred by the said Act on the Lieutenant Governor;
AND WHEREAS by its application in that behalf the Corporation herein named, being a subsisting Corporation, has applied for the issue of Letters Patent under the said Act;
AND WHEREAS it has been made to appear that the said Corporation has complied with the conditions precedent to the issue of the desired Letters Patent;
NOW THEREFORE KNOW YE that I, GEORGE HARRISON DUNBAR, Provincial Secretary, under the authority of the hereinbefore in part recited Act DO BY THESE LETTERS PATENT CONTINUE
St. Hilda’s College incorporated under the provisions of An Act respecting Benevolent, Provident and other Societies, being Chapter 172 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887, by declaration filed in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of York on February 11, 1890, as if the said Corporation had been incorporated under The Corporation Act, 1953 for the following objects, that is to say:
THE DIRECTORS of the Corporation, otherwise designated as Trustees to be Gerard Brakenridge Strathy, Reginald Sidney Kingsley Seeley, Thomas Oakley, Gerald Ross Larkin, Charles Lesslie Wilson, Thomas Arthur Reed, George Mortimer Kelley, Richard Coulton Berkinshaw, Graham Morrow, Charles Sidney Band, John Robert White, James Gowan Kirkpatrick Strathy, Robin Lionel Crombie, John Pemberton Page, David Martin Symons, Morgan Reid, John Lewis Stewart, William Nisbet Hovey, Redvers Southwood Chaffe, Duncan Lockhardt Gordon and John Galbraith Edison.
GIVEN under my hand and Seal of office at the City of Toronto in the said Province of Ontario this twenty fifth day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty six.
SEAL “G. H. Dunbar”
Provincial Secretary
Letters Patent Continuing St. Hilda’s College
(Appendix 3 to the Statutes of Trinity College)
September 2017
Cross-appointments of academic staff are made for periods of time and on such terms as determined by consultation between the College and the University of Toronto.
Academic Staff on College Contracts
Appointments are made by the Board on the nomination of the Provost. It is the responsibility of the Provost to ensure that candidates for appointment are acceptable to the University of Toronto or to the Toronto School of Theology, as the case may be.
1) Tenure is the holding by a member of the college professorial staff of a continuing fulltime appointment which the College has relinquished the freedom to terminate except for the reasons stated below. These appointments may be terminated before the normal date of retirement
A. for cause, which means:
B. where, without fault on his or her part, the member is prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from carrying out reasonable duties, including without limitation, physical or mental illness or injury, except where and so long as the member (or his or her legal representative) makes no claim against the College for salary or other remuneration; or
C. where demonstrated financial exigencies make the continuance of the appointment impossible. A decision to terminate an appointment for financial reasons should not be made on an ad hominem basis, but only after a full investigation of the College’s financial position has been made by the Board.
2) Tenure Committees will be appointed by the Provost. The composition of the committees and their procedures will be such as are determined from time to time by the Senate. In making recommendations Tenure Committees shall be guided by the standards of the University of Toronto, or where appropriate, of the Toronto School of Theology.
If the Provost is presented with evidence that a ground may exist for the termination for cause of the appointment of a member of the teaching staff with tenure, the member shall be informed in writing of the alleged ground and a Hearing Committee shall be established consisting of three faculty members from this College or at any other University, one appointed by the Provost, one by the faculty member concerned and the third jointly by the other two. In the case of failure of the other two to agree upon a third, the third member shall be appointed by the Board, but shall not be a member of the Board. The hearing shall proceed in accordance with the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. If the Hearing Committee decides that a ground for termination exists, the Provost may carry a recommendation for termination to the Board or propose some other sanction. The decision of the Board shall be final.
Any member of the teaching staff may terminate his or her engagement at the end of any academic year on not less than six months’ notice in writing.
A full-time academic appointment entails a year-round commitment and no member of the academic staff shall engage in any other form of gainful employment unless in accordance with policy as determined by the Board.
Amended at Corporation April 2017
Regulations Concerning Academic Staff
September 2017
Students registered at Trinity College may proceed to the degrees of Master of Arts (MA) under the regulations of the Advanced Degree Council of the Toronto School of Theology.
Regulations for the Faculty of Divinity
September 2017
All students shall provide themselves with a gown as prescribed, which they shall wear as directed
(As per 18.3.1)
Before admission to his office the following declaration shall be administered to the Chancellor:
“Dabisne fidem quod bene et fideliter praestabis omnia quae spectant
ad officium Cancellarii hujus Academiae?”
and he shall answer:
“Ita do fidem.”
Regulation concerning the Vice-Chancellor or the Pro-Chancellor
(As per 18.3.1)
The Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Chancellor on entering upon his office shall make the declaration required of the Chancellor, mutatis mutandis.
(As per 18.3.3)
The following diploma, licentiate and degrees shall be granted by Trinity College:
The following degrees shall be granted conjointly with the University of Toronto:
The supplicat of a candidate who has qualified for a degree in course must have passed the Caput or Committee of Convocation.
The candidate shall be presented by the College Officer to the Chancellor after the following style: Praehonorabilis Cancellarie totaque Universitas, praesento vobis hosce homines quos scio, tam moribus quam doctrina, esse idoneos qui admittatur in gradus varios (or gradum Magistri in Divinite or Magistri in Studiis Theologicis or Magistri in Sacra Theologia or Magistri in Artibus or Doctoris in Ministerio or Professoris in Sacra Theologia, or Doctoris PHilosophiae or Doctoris in Divinitate or Doctoris in Sacris Letteris).
The following shall be the Hoods prescribed for the Licentiate and degrees:
The following shall be the ceremonial gowns prescribed for doctoral degrees:
Regulations Concerning Diplomas, Licentiate and Degrees
September 2017
(as per 18.3.4)
Regulations made pursuant to Section 14 of the Statutes of Trinity College in force as of July 1, 1996 to do with student representation on the Corporation, Board and Senate.
Trinity College exercises authority to regulate and discipline its students in the Faculty of Arts, in the Faculty of Divinity and in the student residences by virtue of An Act to Incorporate Trinity College. Similar authority, however, over all students in Trinity College who are also students of the University of Toronto, is given to the University of Toronto by various University of Toronto Acts. These Acts and various actions of the governing bodies of the University of Toronto also give Trinity College authority to regulate and discipline students of the University of Toronto who are students of Trinity College, including those who live in student residences.
Non-academic discipline is governed by the Trinity College Discipline Code and University of Toronto codes adopted by the College from time to time including its Code of Student Conduct and Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment.
as approved February 11, 1982
with amendments up to May 7, 1996
As approved February 11, 1982 with amendments up to May 7, 1996
View a PDF version (318 KB) of the Statutes and Certain Regulations of Trinity College and St. Hilda’s College and Historical Documents, with amendments to February, 2017