Group photo from end of year luncheon
Home > Study: Arts & Science > TRINITY ONE



As part of the University of Toronto’s First-Year Foundations Ones programs, the Margaret MacMillan Trinity One program provides first-year students with the opportunity to explore major issues and ideas pertaining to human life and world affairs, while in a small-group environment conducive to deep discussion and interaction between faculty and students.

Program Structure:

  • First-year students are admitted to one of the six streams based on a supplementary application.
  • Each stream consists of two full-year courses (2.0 FCE) and are both taken in the first year.
  • The seminar courses have limited enrollment to ensure small class sizes.
  • They foster small-group discussion and emphasize the development of critical-thinking, oral-presentation, writing and research skills.
  • To learn more about each stream, click the buttons below:
Anne Steacy Biomedical Health Anne Steacy Medicine and Global Health Butterfield Environment & Sustainability
International Relations Policy, Philosophy, and Economics Ethics, Society & Law

The Advantages of Trinity One:

  • Trinity One provides an academically rigorous preparation for the rest of your undergraduate career and is an excellent foundation for future upper level work.
  • Trinity One’s interdisciplinary focus provides a firm grounding in, and connections to, a number of undergraduate programs. Students leave the program well positioned to thrive in a range of popular majors, minors and specialists.
  • Trinity One Peer Mentors and Program Assistants facilitate Peer Support Groups and Co-Curricular events to support students academically and socially, drawing upon the rich resources of Trinity College, University of Toronto and beyond to provide students with enrichment outside of the classroom.
  • Trinity One is connected to a diverse, engaging and motivating undergraduate college community.
  • Trinity One has a strong track record of producing alumni that go on to excel in both their academic and professional pursuits.

FALL 2025 APPLICATIONS:    Interested students should inquire about submitting an application in February 2025. More information is available on the Apply to Trinity One page.

Apply to Trinity One


  • Students at a co-curricular

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